Eggertsville Firefighter David Mastrella recently ruptured his Achilles tendon (outside of the Fire Department) and had surgery, requiring him to wear a boot and use a knee scooter for at least the next six months.
The entire Eggertsville Hose Company family has rallied around him ever since; constantly checking in to offer support and see how they could help. It became apparent that David was struggling to get in and out of his house due to the three steps he must navigate.
This morning, a large group of EHC members got together to install a ramp at his house to ensure he can more safely and easily get to his appointments until he can walk again.
THIS is the perfect example of what the brotherhood and sisterhood of the fire service is. THIS is Eggertsville pride, honor and integrity; and THIS is what we mean when we say the fire department is a family.