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FAST Drill

Drill Night: Training on our new FAST Rescue Board



Tonight’s drill, led by Captain Sikirica, was training on our brand new FAST Rescue Board.The FAST Rescue Board is the ultimate rescue platform designed for versatility and ease of use. Primarily used for Rapid Intervention in firefighter rescue, this system also excells in the fields of Confined Space, Hazardous Materials, Active Shooter Response, and all other areas of patient packaging and extrication. Configured with industry-standard webbing and hardware, the innovative rapid packaging features can have your patient packaged and moving in seconds.

A Firefighter Assist and Search Team (FAST), also referred to as a Rapid Intervention Team/Crew (RIT/RIC), is a specialized group of firefighters dedicated exclusively to rescuing fellow firefighters in distress during emergency incidents. While they do not participate directly in search and rescue operations, they remain vigilant for changes in fire conditions, unsafe practices, and the whereabouts of all firefighters on site. Should they be deployed to assist unconscious, injured, or trapped firefighters, their primary objective is to swiftly extricate them from danger and facilitate immediate medical care as necessary. Throughout the incident, a FAST team is solely dedicated to this critical role and does not undertake any other operational tasks. In situations involving multiple alarms or complex fires, multiple FAST teams may be deployed to ensure comprehensive coverage and support.