Tonight’s training drill focused on driver recertification and vehicle extrication. Our drivers are required to safely navigate a challenging course each year using the largest vehicle they’re certified to operate. This course includes a three-point turn, a simulated lane change, a forward and backward slalom, backing into a tight spot with just three inches from the rear cone, and maneuvering through a narrow alley. While these tasks might seem straightforward in a passenger vehicle, they become significantly more complex when handling a 40-ton Pierce Skyarm.
Meanwhile, our newer members took the opportunity to enhance their vehicle extrication skills using the cars from our recent open house. Lt. Cosgrove led a comprehensive session on the various extrication tools available on Engine 3, demonstrating techniques for stabilizing and accessing vehicles. The team then practiced by popping tires, breaking windows, opening hoods, and removing doors.
We wrapped up the evening with some well-deserved pizza. All in all, it was an excellent and productive drill night!